After a prolonged tragedy, the Democratic campaign ends in a farce. The "Hillary quit" camp has won. All the weak sisters have jumped ship. Oprah Winfrey's latest wonder,Barack Obama has been anointed by the DNC last Saturday at the Marriott in DC. 30 delegates have wiped out the vote of 600,000 Michigan voters in a coup reminiscent of Florida in 2000. The last vestige of a shred of a figment of American democracy has finally fallen.
The hate the country has for the Clintons blinded the media and the party elders to the point of picking a young upstart with nothing to offer but "Hope" and "change" (the oldest political trick in the world), rather than a seasoned politician with a solid progressive program.
Hillary "lost" with a majority of the votes (Hello Al Gore!).
Come January 2009, on president McCain's inauguration day, I will not watch the media trying to explain what happened.
For some incredible reason, the Democratic party deprived itself of a great candidate to bank on an illusion.
I am waiting for really solid arguments not to vote for John McCain.