Much has been written recently about Captain Philips 'ordeal at the hands of Somali pirates. He is a true hero and owes his life to the Seals. Many Americans wonder aloud why the international community does not give them a hand. It is all due to the lack of interest by US media in what is going on outside the US. The world has reacted last year by creating a Task Force made up of Chinese, Russian, NTO and US warship that patrol the straits of Aden and the coast of Puntland in Somalia. The French have intervened several times. They attacked the pirates who captured the Ponant, a leisure ship, and pursued the pirates way into the desert. They captured 15 of them now waiting in a French jail for their trial. Last week, the same French Commando attacked the pirates who had taken the Tanit and killed all 5 pirates.
The problem is that Somalia is without a government. The entire population, made up of tribes and clans is engaged in piracy in order to profit from ransoms of goods and humans hostages. Luxury SUV dealers have a brisk trade on the coast.
Unless the combined force of western powers intervenes to destroy the pirates'infrastructures, lookouts, motherships, communication network and safe havens, the situation will get worse.