The US Constitution has been subverted. The US system of Government, the oldest in the world, no longer works. The President has been elected by an overwhelming majority that even gave him both Chambers. Yet he is unable to impose his policy. The 40% opposition minority decides. Worse, one or two renegade senators use the 60 vote rule to hold their own party hostage. It was a sad picture of American Democracy. Result: a bad bill that sends the taxpayer's money to the coffers of Big Insurance, and Big Pharma. Obama yielded on single payer and assured us we would have "a public option" instead. Soon he abandonned that idea for a muddled "exchange". That idea disappeared fast and even its short lived opening of Medicare to 54 year olds did not last long. Now we are stuck with a compulsory assurance for all . The worst part is that Big Insurance invested only 396million dollars to buy our elected Senators. Their reward will be 47 million more customers subsidized by my taxes. I had not voted Obama for THAT!
I guess the US of A will remain stuck at 37th place out of 40 OECD countries. France, with its single payer system will not lose 1st place anytime soon. Sure it costs French taxpayers a lot. But far less than it costs US citizens in Insurance bills, and with the certainty nobody will lose his house to pay their hospital bill or will be denied care because of income level. The US is actually the only country where healthcare IS rationned .
I will take the "carte vitale" any day.