I have had the dubious honor of meeting President Mobutu Sese Seko Wa penza....etc. I also met Presidents Eyadema, Houphouet Boigny, Mengistu, Omar Bongo, etc. I must admit I had to shake their hands (But , hey, I also had to shake GWB's).
I have generally not been impressed by the administrations of the above mentionned rulers.
Whether Mugabe, (I also had the misfortune of meeting him), or thabo M'Beki, Paul Biya, or the current elected dictator of Kenya, Sankara or Sekou Toure, none of my African acquaintances impressed me with their skills.
Great speakers, they all insisted on Hope and Reconciliation . They were all victims of Bwana, the mean Toubab.
I am voting for Hillary.
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