The 20 most powerful countries in the world met this week end to propose solutions to the crisis. I was lucky enough to play a minor role in this gathering. I was the proverbial fly on the wall , first at the evening dinner , and then at the conference. Washington was enveloped in a pink mist that evening, that gave a melancholy impression, quite in tune with the moment. Greed broke the back of a world economy, which, until now, roared from record to record. The Europeans are determined to severely restrict greed and make the presence of Big Brother felt at every transactions. The US are trying to resist, But real power, is in the hands of leaders who have acquired our wealth through our own sins: China, the Gulf Emirates, Saudi Arabia etc. We could not have picked less democratic regimes. Alas, He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Are we ready to have to receive our marching orders in Chinese characters?
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