In true Grinch fashion, Senator Mc Connell is giving lumps of coal to Detroit workers. Not satisfied with having ruined the nation with their ideology since Reagan, Congressional republicans are hell bent on destroying what is left of it, the hard working blue collar middle class. It is ok to bail out reckless bankers who gambled our savings, but if the workers' Unions do not commit hara-kiri, our Confederate rump Republicans would rather let the whole manufacturing sector of America go down the tubes. Lets get rid of the only group to defend the working class and their working conditions. It does not hurt that Japanese automakers are located in Tennessee either!
There are 3 parallel downward curves starting in 1981: Union membership, education levels and the US ranking by WHO. Not a coincidence.
Henry Ford knew a thing or two when he decided to pay his workers enough so they could afford a Model T.
But in a last salvo, a band of republican dinosaurs is unabashedly trying to hurt the working man and his unions to win a last one for the Gipper.
Bravo Mitch the Grinch. Remember Scrooge and look out for a few ghosts.
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