The Europeans have finally made up their mind on a President and Secretary of State of Europe. After many years of wrangling, the Lisbon Treaty is finally the Constitution of Europe. Since it had to be ratified by all 27 member states, the states which voted No were made to revote until they voted yes. And who is the newly (selected) President of Europe? A certain Hermann van Rompuy. This Belgian politician has many qualities. He is totally unknown. He was voted Belgian PM because he represented the smallest common denominator. M. Sarkozy, Mrs Merkel and Mr Brown feared that a European President with a strong personnality might reduce them to the ranks of Governors of their respective ministates. So now, Europe is saddled with a leader who, if able to find compromises to unify all 27 members, will never rise to the level of an Obama, a Putin, or a Hu Jintao.
Once again, Europe has chosen the Europe of Nations, so dear to General De Gaulle, a very 19th Century idea, to the detriment of a Federal Europe, that could be on an equal footing with other large Federations.
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