Sunday, November 16, 2008

G 20 meeting.

The 20 most powerful countries in the world met this week end to propose solutions to the crisis. I was lucky enough to play a minor role in this gathering. I was the proverbial fly on the wall , first at the evening dinner , and then at the conference. Washington was enveloped in a pink mist that evening, that gave a melancholy impression, quite in tune with the moment. Greed broke the back of a world economy, which, until now, roared from record to record. The Europeans are determined to severely restrict greed and make the presence of Big Brother felt at every transactions. The US are trying to resist, But real power, is in the hands of leaders who have acquired our wealth through our own sins: China, the Gulf Emirates, Saudi Arabia etc. We could not have picked less democratic regimes. Alas, He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Are we ready to have to receive our marching orders in Chinese characters?

Friday, November 7, 2008

President-elect Obama.

I was lucky enough to be at "Election plaza" in New York City when they announced that Barack Obama had clinched the election. I was engulfed in a very emotional crowd. People of all colors and origins embraced each other and there was not a dry eye. I felt at that time that this country contains a vital energy that does not exist anywhere else. It thrives on challenges, and, whereas our European allies love to write America's obituary on a regular basis, it is precisely at its hour of deepest crisis that it is reborn, a cross between the mythical Phoenix and "Groundhog day". If there is one country that will get out from under in this catastrophic economic era, it is the US.
Thank God the Bush era is over. One of Obama's hardest tasks will be to re-connect with our allies and other countries. But as long as the previous administration enjoys impunity, the rest of the world might not be convinced the page has turned